From the desk of Love Psychic DJ Ownbey:
You are perfect whole and complete as God created you… How can this be true? The very question is what blocks you from your divine heritage of increased good, health, and prosperity.
From the time you were a little child, you were conditioned with all the things that are “wrong with you.” You picked up this “false image” based on how other people have perceived you in their ignorance. Now you are holding in your consciousness these false limited ideas about yourself.
Since your mind is all powerful and does create what you believe you have created sickness, disharmony, and limitation of all sorts in your life. The good news here is this. The same power that has bound you can set you free. The truth about you, that the creator and the created can never be separated and that you are created in the image and likeness of the divine will dissolve all limitations in your life. The truth will set you free!
Where does the cold go when you turn on the heat? Where does the dark go when you turn on the light? These conditions are not realities in and of themselves they are simply “lacks of.”
Do you think that Jesus saw a “sick person” to be healed? If he did he would not be able to heal as he would be recognizing the diseased condition as the reality. “Do not judge according to appearance but judge righteous judgment” John 7:24
Jesus recognized the spiritual truth behind the mask of bad appearances and so does every other healer. You must do the same if you want your life to be free of limitation of any kind.
“Namaste,” is used in the east to recognize the divine in another person. Of course, as we can recognize it in others we can have it for ourselves, give and it is given.
Over the years, I have seen amazing miracles of body, mind, and affairs when someone dared to hold the image of perfection about themselves or another in their mind, refusing to believe in the condition of lack and limitation before their physical eyes.
Now what I am giving you today is a truth that can heal every aspect of your life if you use it. It is a powerful idea that has been held among the privileged and wealthy for centuries. You have to make this your truth to have its experience!
You can start daily to make this your truth your reality by declaring often “I am perfect, whole, and complete as God created me,” “ I am one with the power that created me,” “Divine love now manifests as my perfect health, finances, and happiness now.”
By the way, it is not “egotiscal” to think of yourself as perfect, because you didn’t create yourself. God did. Now of course, the false small self that you have created is not perfect, but the “Real Self” in you that “God” created is.
You will be amazed at how quickly your affairs start to reflect these truths. Your relationships will improve, your health will get better, and every aspect of your life will take on a new radiance.
To supplement this article, I would also recommend that you read “Complete Works of H. Emilie Cady” by Emilie Cady. She was an early woman. She was a physician in the early 1900’s.
She started giving her clients affirmations along with the medication. Her clients would come back to her wanting more affirmations and less medication. She became a great healer and later a metaphysical writer.
She was a great metaphysician that modern day metaphysicians are really just parroting (but also in this hand down of information, I think we have lost allot of the original truths and more importantly the spirit of the truth). I would also recommend the books of Ernest Holmes, Florence Scovel Shinn, Myrtle Filmore, David Spaulding and Joel Goldsmith. These are all older writers on the subject of metaphysics and many of their books can be obtained free online by doing a google search on the authors name.
Realistically, we didn’t get in these limited conditions over night so you have to be persistent and consistent in asserting these truths.
At first it may look like things get worse, but you must be determined, as the old ways of limitation don’t release their grip so easily always. A winner is a loser that doesn’t give up…success always will come to all that don’t give up.
The metaphysical laws are like the laws of nature and are no respecter of persons. It does not matter who adds up 2 plus 2, if they are following the law of mathematics, everyone is going to get the same answer. Same holds true with metaphysics.
Love Psychic DJ Ownbey
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